"Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished." ~ Luke 1:45

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Stay Close to Me

Tonight's Music from the Heart: Selah - O, Draw Me Lord

It's late in the evening, and I've been sitting at the computer for a while now, catching up on some work that I brought home from the office. As usual when I am sitting here, Sheba is stretched out next to my chair.

Even though she's a dog, this canine friend teaches me little life lessons whenever I'll take the time to listen. Tonight's lesson is about closeness.

Sheba is all about attention and affection, and she is never happier than when she is either touching or being touched by David or myself. She will approach me when I'm working and nudge my arm to let me know she needs some attention, then once she has been sufficiently petted, she lies down contentedly at my feet.

When she wants to go outside, she doesn't bark or fuss. She simply comes up to where I'm sitting and stands in front of me looking straight into my eyes with a look of expectancy, wagging her tail the entire time. She knows that I know what she wants.

One of my favorite things she does is to walk up to me and lean into me, bowing her head slightly, just getting in as close as she can. She knows I can't resist loving on her when she does this.

So here I am, being reminded again, that my Father desires the same from me - for me to want to be near Him and to press in as close to Him as I can. He knows me well, and all I have to do is gaze into His face with expectancy, knowing that He knows my heart's desire and delights in giving good gifts to His children.

Why, then, do I tend to make things so much more complicated than that? It seems that no matter what is going on in my life, when I find myself at the end of myself crumbling at His feet in desperation, asking for some kind of solution to whatever quandry I have found myself in, the answer is almost always the same. "Stay close to Me."

I know this. I really know this. But I don't always do it. I want to be of such a simple, childlike faith that His lap is the first place I run to out of a deep desire to be close to Him, not the last place I end up when I've exhausted all other possibilities.

Sheba's fast asleep, actually snoring now. When I finish here and toddle off to bed, she'll get up and follow me, making sure not to let me get too far away from her. When I move, she moves, but that's a lesson for another time.

Precious Father, my prayer tonight is simple.
Teach me to stay close to You at all times,
in all things, and in every way.
I need Your constant touch.
Hold me, as I lean wholly on You.

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